Prowl (Action Master)

Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Great Condition, With Tech Spec and Instructions
Toy Photos
(linked to larger images)
Robot Mode Vehicle Mode
Box Art Currently Unavailable
Instructions Currently Unavailable
Tech Spec Image Courtesy of the Hartmans
Tech Spec Data 
 Prowl {action}      Function: Military Strategist    Group: Autobot
 " Logic is the ultimate weapon. "
    | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill |
        7        8        6       7        9      9       8        6

    A master with complex formulations. Equipped with sophisticated
    micro circuits, able to intake 30,000 bytes of information per
    micro second. Turbo cycle equipped with hydro-injected rocket
    engine, dual missile launcher and titanium belted tires. Converts
    to stationary battle emplacement armed with rocket bomb launcher.
Toy Review 
Currently Unavailable