
Toy Condition Loose, Incomplete, Good Condition, With Tech Spec, Sticker Wear
Toy Photos
(linked to larger images)
Robot Mode Vehicle Mode
Box Art Currently Unavailable
Instructions Currently Unavailable
Tech Spec Image Courtesy of the Hartmans
Tech Spec Data 
 Sunstreaker        Function: Warrior                Group: Autobot
 " They can't beat the best. "
    | Stren. | Intel. | Speed | Endur. | Rank | Cour. | Firep. | Skill |
        5        6        7       8        5      7       7        6

    The complete egotist, Sunstreaker thinks he is the most beautiful
    thing on Earth. Loves his sleek styling, contemptuous of other
    Autobot race cars (particularly his twin Sideswipe). Fires
    laser-guided ground-to-air rockets and high energy electron pulses
    at 300 bursts/sec. Tough polymer-steel skin resists artillery. Not a
    team player. Can be baited into dangerous situations, but is a very
    calm, competent, and ruthless war machine.
Toy Review 
Currently Unavailable