Archive for December, 2007

Alex has been having a hard time with band class this year. When he started band, it was because of a very smart, fun, energetic teacher who obviously enjoyed what she was doing, and knew how to teach a group of kids to enjoy learning their new instruments. She was friendly and approachable by kids and parents alike. Unfortunately, last year, she spent more time training to be a principal than teaching music. That’s where her career was leading, and so that’s how it was. Although Alex had substitutes a good 50% of the time, or more, he still enjoyed music/band.

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In another shining example of Peter Pan Syndrome… *cough*cough* I mean… someone who is young at heart, I have purchased a pair of Heelys for myself, and am practicing “heeling” in them as the opportunity arises. I am doing this in preparation for AFTER Christmas, because both the boys will be getting a pair under the tree this year. Read the rest of this entry »

I am tremendously fortunate to be in the position I am in. I have a loving wife who has a proper career that is able to support my wonderful family. This has allowed me to be a Stay At Home Dad for the last 12+ years. I’ve been able to work, more or less, when I want to and in positions that allow me to continue being at home for our kids. Read the rest of this entry »