… “sprain.”
Now that you know the ending, let’s fill in the back story before we proceed with the story of how it happened. Read the rest of this entry »
… “sprain.”
Now that you know the ending, let’s fill in the back story before we proceed with the story of how it happened. Read the rest of this entry »
In another shining example of Peter Pan Syndrome… *cough*cough* I mean… someone who is young at heart, I have purchased a pair of Heelys for myself, and am practicing “heeling” in them as the opportunity arises. I am doing this in preparation for AFTER Christmas, because both the boys will be getting a pair under the tree this year. Read the rest of this entry »
I am tremendously fortunate to be in the position I am in. I have a loving wife who has a proper career that is able to support my wonderful family. This has allowed me to be a Stay At Home Dad for the last 12+ years. I’ve been able to work, more or less, when I want to and in positions that allow me to continue being at home for our kids. Read the rest of this entry »
Well, all things come to an end. Some sooner than others, and sometimes sooner than you wanted them to. Such is the case for the company known as FlashTalk Communications, LLC. After over 4 years with the company, my job will cease to exist when the company does, possibly sooner if the company officially exists much into December.
ZappoMan Fitness Blog » Blog Archive » Tagged
So, my bro “tagged” me in what looks like a chain… blog… or something. But hey, I’m game. So here we go… WARNING! I go verbose. Read the rest of this entry »