Due to popular request, I have decided to sell prints of my illustrations (Slag and Swoop at this time... more in the near future). E-mail me for more information.
- Slag - G1 (48k, 4-9-01)
- Neo Galvatron - (40k, 3-4-01)
- Fan Character - (36k, 3-4-01)
- Hungrrr 2000 - (49k, 1-1-01)
- Slag Preview - (113k, 11-09-00)
- Swoop 2000 - blue (122k, 11-09-00)
- Megatron2000, 70k
- Maelstrom, 69k
- Neo Grimlock, 55k
- Hellrazor - (aka Neo Sinnertwin), 68k
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