Little Ironhide
BotCon Club of China
- BlastOff in blast - Colored by Bumblebee (39k, 7-10-03)
- Combat Cover - Photoshopin' by Hotrod1985 (47k, 7-10-03)
- G1 Ironhide - colored by JOSH (26k, 7-10-03)
- G2 Prime - original line art (52k, 7-10-03)
- G2 Optimus - colored by JOSH (42k, 7-10-03)
- G2 Repaint - colored by JOSH (40k, 7-10-03)
- Onslaught - original line art (59k, 7-10-03)
- Onslaught in battle in air - Colored by Bumblebee (40k, 7-10-03)
- Onslaught recons - Colored by Robert Gomez (58k, 7-10-03)
- RID MegaOctane - Colored by Robert Gomez (64k, 7-10-03)
- Red Alert Vs Starscream - original line art (88k, 7-10-03)
- Red Alert Vs Starscream - Colored by Hotrod1985(86k, 7-10-03)
- Sideways - original line art (84k, 7-10-03)
- Squawkbox - original line art (58k, 7-10-03)
- Squawkbox - Colored by Darth_Lionel (55k, 7-10-03)
- Squawkboximus - Colored by enduser0001 (50k, 7-10-03)
- Swindle - original line art (46k, 7-10-03)
- Swindle - Colored by Cryostix (47k, 7-10-03)
- Megatron - The example of conquest (40k, 1-19-03)
- Mess - Starscream and his boys. (36k, 1-19-03)
- Starscream - The red ironbird of fortune (38k, 1-19-03)
- The Autobots - Drew by Ironhidecn(my brother), painted by Little Ironhide (228k, 8-10-02)
- The Guidebot Logo - Littleiron is preparing a new TF story --- Never End. The Guidebots will appear as a lighthouse in the darkness of Cybertron...... (19k, 8-10-02)
- Little Ironhide - A new one. (43k, 8-10-02)
- The Matrix - Summer for the Matrix (62k, 8-10-02)
- Jazz - "Come to dance, guys!!" (51k, 8-10-02)
- Q logos - I am not going introduce this, your eyes will tell you the truth:D (12k, 8-10-02)
- Sideswipe - "Hey, Kid! The energy is not for free!!!" (35k, 8-10-02)
- Megatron - "Em......" (The system is busy...) (28k, 8-10-02)
- Soundwave and his pets - Gentlemen of fortune (31k, 8-10-02)
- Starsceam - "I got the idea!" (33k, 8-10-02)
- Unicron - The dear old blindman which left head only:P (56k, 8-10-02)
- Littleironhide - The Cute Edition 1. This is myself :) (46k, 3-17-02)
- Qironhide - My bussiness card:) (34k, 3-17-02)
- Ultra Magnus - "I wanna candies......" (54k, 3-17-02)
- "Prepare for the attack!" - Unicron was just transformed. (61k, 3-17-02)
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