Makoto Ono
- Artemis Prime - reference pics (61k, 3-4-01)
- Artemis Prime - poster shot (65k, 3-4-01)
- Powered Convoy - aka Optimal Optimus, 110k
- Deszaras - Breast Force commander, 94k
- Minerva, 78k
- Arcadis, 93k
- Big Convoy, 85k
- Combaticons, 136k
- BW Neo Destron Deadend, 94k
- Camshaft, Downshift, Overdrive lost in the limbo..., 82k
- Fortress Maximus, 101k
- Depth Charge, 93k
- Heinlad, 90k
- Saberback, 68k
- "Flux" - Drawing for Greg's fan character, 55k
- "3D Jinrai" - MasterForce's Jinrai, Autobot Commander, 17k
- "Mega" - MasterForce's Mega, pencil, 42k
- "Big Monsters" - The BW Neo Predacons VS the Dinobots, 113k
- "Abominus", 32k
- "Autobots inside the Ark" - Jazz and Sunstreaker just hanging around..., 66k
- "Generations" - Deszaras, Sixshot & Apeface, 39k
- "Optimus Prime" - Prime posing with Autobot symbol behind, 81k
- "Horrorcons" - Horrorcons with Decepticon symbol, 52k
- "King Poseidon", 44k
- "Soundwave!" - Soundwave, white background, 43k
- "BrainMasters" - Star Saber, Blacker and Laster, 108k
- "Battle Ground" - Autobots vs. Decepticons, 83k
- "Constructicon group shot" - Constructicons at Cybertron, 85k
- "King for a while..." - Starscream's coronation, 72k
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