Mark Wong "Markatron"
Markatron's Jump Station
- Limo - A sketch of a limo/robot. Probably a bodyguard that shuttles around dignitaries. (53k, 12-10-01)
- Dark Magnum portrait - portrait of Dark Magnum, a villian I made up. Dark Magnum used to be named Guard Magnus (brother of Ultra Magnus). He turned evil. (34k, 12-10-01)
- Dark Magnum - body shot of Stunticon Dark Magnum (99k, 12-10-01)
- Power Taurus - Predacon partner that turns into DM's trailer (38k, 12-10-01)
- Dark Taurus - DM and PT combine to form a minotaur! (80k, 12-10-01)
- Black Battle Convoy - early prototype of Black Battle Convoy (Car Robots). BBC is the leader of the "Combatrons" (Car Robots) (74k, 4-9-01)
- Bruticus - touched up b/w pencils (104k, 4-9-01)
- Brawl and Blast Off - b/w pencils (92k, 4-9-01)
- Onslaught - b/w pencils (93k, 4-9-01)
- Swindle and Vortex - b/w pencils (98k, 4-9-01)
- OMNIBOT Scout Camshaft - b/w pencil (121k, 1-24-01)
- OMNIBOT Security Agent Downshift - b/w pencil (108k, 1-24-01)
- OMNIBOT Strategist Overdrive - b/w pencil (95k, 1-24-01)
- Omnibot poster - and 1000x800 wallpaper (156k, 1-24-01)
- Ultra Galvatron - LARGER colored Ultra Galvatron (114k, 1-1-01)
- Ultra Optimus - LARGER colored Ultra Optimus (169k, 1-1-01)
- TM HotRod - Colorized "Markatronic" Hot Rod (colors by Justin Cohen) (87k, 12-1-00)
- Moonracer Moments - One of those life-changing moments in the life of MoonRacer (86k, 12-1-00)
- Optimal Dinobot C - vehicle mode, inspired from his nickname "chopper face" (63k, 12-1-00)
- Optimal Dinobot D - Transmetal raptor mode -- blades everywhere (91k, 12-1-00)
- Optimal Dinobot R - viscious robot mode! (92k, 12-1-00)
- Ultra Galvatron - colorized (53k, 12-1-00)
- Ultra Optimus - colorized (54k, 12-1-00)
- Chromia (103k, 10-20-00)
- Fire Star (124k, 10-20-00)
- Moon Racer (102k, 10-20-00)
- Starfleet - Star Trek crossover - what if Starfleet and transforming robot technology converged? (57k, 10-20-00)
- Target Master Hot Rod (Markatron Style): Suped up and ready to take on anyone. He's got a jetpack, shield, Targetmaster flamethrower, and a remote-controlled spy Phoenix.
- TM HotRod #1 - robot mode and phoenix (83k, 10-20-00)
- TM HotRod #2 - car mode and TM Fire Bolt (65k, 10-20-00)
- Advanced Technobots: Inspired by the beefed up look of the G2 comic, I dreamed up this new Technobot team. B/W inked.
- Heavy-Duty NoseCone - NoseCone has a new tunneler drill and additional augers. Also provides heavy anti-aircraft support. (104k, 9-26-00)
- Heavy Artillary Strafe - Where NoseCone went anti-aircraft, Strafe went ground-assault. Brings the most weapons to bear in space fighter mode. (87k, 9-26-00)
- Interstellar Lightspeed - LightSpeed's hope for flight has been granted (in both forms)! (100k, 9-26-00)
- Heavy Weeapons Afterburner - Equipped with improved weapons and a gatling-action grenadier side car. (97k, 9-26-00)
- Extreme Barrage Scattershot - Please don't make me draw him again! Oh, but he was fun! (137k, 9-26-00)
- BOT CON submissions B/W inked. Great action shots of some G1 Autobots!
- BlueStreak (79k, 9-26-00)
- Sunstreaker (106k, 9-26-00)
- Tracks (140k, 9-26-00)
- Ultra Galvatron - Inspired by the art of Super Megatron from the Star Convoy series. (64k, 9-26-00)
- Ultra Optimus - Commisioned art. Ultra Op is an amalgum of Star Saber, PowerMaster Optimus Prime, and Leo Convoy (BWII). Instead of two tires on each leg, he's got extra grenade drums for his rifle! }-> (112k, 9-26-00)
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