Stacy Shamblin
- Phobia - A full picture of Phobia's 'bot mode, 28k
- Ripclaw - A full picture of Ripclaw (Rippersnapper and Phobia's lil boy in my fics) in 'bot mode, 21k
- Phobia in jet mode - Phobia's alternate mode, 30k
- Phobia - Deimia's slightly older, and much scarier, sister, 19k
- Deimia -Drawing of a fan chara who brings a whole new meaning to the word "cyberpunk", 16k
- Neo-Galvatron - 36k
- Cloudskimmer - baby picture, 17k
- Venatrix - A closeup picture of Venatrix, another original femme character, 7k
- White Dove - Picture of an original Autobot femme character, 31k
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