Toy Condition: Loose, Complete, Mint Condition, With full card (bubble removed)
Instructions: Currently Unavailable
Toy Review: Demolishor is cooler than I thought he'd be. I'd played with one briefly shortly after he was released, but wasn't all that impressed so I didn't get him until my store had him on sale. I didn't need to wait, but it's never bad to save a couple bucks. Anyway, he's not laden with gimmicks like Cyclonus is, as he really only has one Powerlinx point for his Mini-Con Blackout to connect to and activate. One of his cannons extends and fires both missiles when you attach a Mini-Con and activate it, but that's it. His fingers are gun barrels, and his projectiles stick up out of his shoulders in robot mode, which gives him a pretty deadly look. What I like the best is how his tank treads unfold and fold to become his legs. They did a great job on these, and I honestly wouldn't mind seeing this design on other tank-style TFs. As an added cool factor, there's a platform behind his turret which can flip around and be a seat for Blackout. His attack platform mode is pretty silly, and definitely contrived, but there you go. Blackout is fairly simple with a couple modes, including a silly little "radar" thing that really just gets in the way. Overall, I think this is a good toy, which holds its own in an Armada collection.
Added by: waylan on November 05, 2003 Rated it: ![]() Comments: i wish i noe wut happens wen blackout attach to demolishor |
Added by: prowl on May 26, 2003 Rated it: ![]() Comments: nice,very nice,my only gripe is that he has no real weapons. |
Added by: james aka legend on December 31, 2002 Rated it: ![]() Comments: Nice vechile mode, but a few faulyts;...they made a seat on a tank which was bad enough and the fact that there isnt a pin hole for black out to stand in means he always falls over. the base mode isnt realy well...very good and as for the fingers welllll ill let your review speak for that most dissapointing was the fact thta he has rocket storage what a crock of sh#t would have been much better if he had quadruple power firing rockets instead of just two and an odd "rocket storage" space although i bitched alot the colours are nice and so is the transformation of both blackout and Demolisher although a Radar on a tank isnt excatly my cup of tea |