Toy Photos
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Robot Mode Beast Mode
Toy Condition Loose, Complete, Mint Condition, With Bag (flattened), and another Mint In Bag
Bag/Package From my collection
Toy Review 
Color Scheme:
Green, translucent orange, yellow, gray accents and a white face. The inner parts of his wheels/feet are black. Although I wouldn't call it show accurate, I like it.
Robot Mode:
Has the basic "feel" of Rattrap's two-wheeled robot mode. Of course, making comparisons to the show versions of any BM character is ultimately futile, so... If he weren't so hard to keep standing, he be even cooler, but he still makes it to the top of the McBM's as far as coolness.
Beast Mode:
A green rat. He does look a lot like the show in this mode, though. He even has the little "seat" type detail at the small of his back.
His rear feet pull out diagonally to become his wheels, you fold his rat head down to his robot chest, and flip his arms over. Sufficient for a happy meal toy, certainly.
Great toy, but has a hard time standing up.

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