With all this talk of the barriers I’m working on, I haven’t posted a single picture of my own. Well, I’m finally done making them all, and have already put them to good use. First, I set most of them up in the back yard so that Nikolas and his friends could play some laser tag as a b-day party activity. Then, I put some out at my ALTC game last Saturday for a couple Zone games.

Pictures are worth a lot of words, I hear, so here are the pictures of the barriers in use at my ALTC Game. Click this image to access the gallery.

Zone game using the barriers

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then thousands of pictures shown in quick succession must be worth a whole lot more. Check out this video I shot of the chaos in the back yard last Friday night.

One Response to “Almost fruition”

  1. shebaduhkitty said on May 23rd, 2007 at 6:28 pm:
