It’s been a family tradition of sorts for the last several years to spend the day on the 4th at Les Gove Park in Auburn, where the City throws a Festival in celebration. They’ve been having music, craft booths, kid activities, and rides for the kids for years, and the boys quite enjoy it each year, if not only for the ice cream. This might seem a little early to be making plans for the 4th of July but for me, it is necessary.

This might seem a little early to be making plans for the 4th of July but for me, it is necessary. This year, I’ll be volunteering my services as an expert laser-tag-game-hosting-type-guy for the City of Auburn. I got it into my head to see if I could use this event to help grow my laser tag club, or even just to promote outdoor laser tag in general. I called the City before filling out the paperwork just in case they were extra conservative and didn’t want “guns” at the festival. I’m glad I did, because the organizer was even more excited about having laser tag at the festival than I was. As it turns out, they’re expanding the festival this year to include an antique car show, additional rides, and a concerted effort to draw a larger crowd and more older youths and teens. Past festivals were decidedly geared toward the littler kids and their parents. Not a bad thing, but not big enough for their current plans. When I called and asked if it would be ok, it wasn’t long before my laser tag games began taking on more of a “main attraction” feel.

From now on, marketing materials about the 4th Of July Festival will include the fact that laser tag games will be there. I’ll be making portable barriers to fill the area I’ve been given for the games, as well as some other things needed to shift my ALTC hosting station to host these games more efficiently. By the time the 4th rolls around, I’ll have everything ready, and hopefully have had a test run of the entire event on location a few weeks in advance.

I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me, though. I’ll try to post about it here for those who are interested.

One Response to “Independance Day!”

  1. shebaduhkitty said on April 9th, 2007 at 9:00 pm:

    wow… that sounds really cool!