I’m going to give this here blogging thing a whirl. I’ve tried a couple times in the past. I had a textamerica moblog that fizzled, and a YouTube vblog that never happened. For the most part, I figure my life is uninteresting to the rest of the world and so blogging is a waste of time. That said, the rest of the world does include my family, and I know at least one of them would like to know what’s up with me every so often. Anytime anything noteworthy comes up, I’ll try to write a little ditty here about it. Forgive me if it also fizzles out, but you already know my track record. l8r

One Response to “Welcome!”

  1. shebaduhkitty said on April 9th, 2007 at 8:58 pm:

    ok now I can comment…

    I look forward to hearing your ramblings and daily boring bits… hey, my life ain’t that exciting either…