SeaPUG Meeting, January, 2001

In January, we actually had TWO meetings. One on our normal 3rd Tuesday (the 16th in this case) and one on a Saturday. The Tuesday meeting went well, with some interesting information presented by Iola Stetson on the Slideshow Commanded software. The viewing of the video had to be postponed, and we ended up having a very long "Helping Palms" session where attendants asked questions to be answered by anyone in the group that had one. I think it went very well, and I look forward to future Helping Palms sessions. Many people come for help, but without a designated time to ask questions, they often don't get asked at all. We also had some discussion on getting people to attend, and found that our newly created and distributed flyer (with information on who, what, where, and when we meet) gained at least one new member that very afternoon! We'll be modifying the flyer as needed, and distributing more of them. We also discussed the creation of a floppy diskette full of PalmOS freeware. We can hand these disks out freely to meeting attendees, or even on the street to Palm users we meet who haven't tried 3rd party applications. Of course, information about SeaPUG and how to install and use the applications on the disk will be provided. If you have a suggestion for a freeware title to include on this disk, please contact us.

The Saturday meeting had slightly fewer people than expected. Fewer, even, than the Tuesday meeting, and ironically, many of the people there on saturday were regular Tuesday attendees. We had a long discussion on why attendance might be so low, and how we could encourage more members to attend. We ended up pretty much deciding to go with Saturday meeting each quarter year (putting the next one in April), and monthly meetings on Tuesday as usual. Frank Blau's "Palm 101" class went a little long, but we ran the video of the South African animal trackers using Palm devices to track wildlife as people left for home. :\

If you have any additions for this report, please send them to

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