Follow the links below for full reports on past SeaPUG meetings. If there's a meeting missing, it means that a report has not yet been submitted or completed.
- March 19th, 2002 - Handspring Treo and a ton of cool prizes
- July 17, 2001 - Presenter-To-Go and Overview of Palm Programming
- June 19, 2001 - Handera 330
- May 15, 2001 - Palm m505
- February 20, 2001 - Database options, new software, and Autopond
- January 16, 2001 - Slideshow Commander, and other
- December 19, 2000 - HandyShopper2, and PalmSource
- November 21, 2000 - Microsoft presents the PocketPC
- October 24, 2000 - Meet and greet meeting
- September 19, 2000 - Town Compass
- August 15, 2000 - Wireless options, and Ansyr's PDF viewer
- July 18, 2000 - Coola Inc.