In this case, Palm Games are not games you play ON your PalmOS device, but games you play WITH your PalmOS device! Read below for descriptions of different games you can play with your palm. There are team games, and one-on-one games. Some use the built-in applications, and some require additional software. When necessary, links to applications to download are provided.
- Autopond
- Autopond is an infrared card trading game for Palm-powered devices developed by Josh Goldfoot. Autopond consists of a 120 card set. You will be assigned five of these cards as Goal Cards when you fist run the software. You'll also be given seven cards to trade with, none of which are your goal cards. To win the game, you must obtain all of your goal cards. Get more information and download the game from, or let someone spread the game to you to earn a new card to trade with (every time you spread the game to a new user, you get another card to trade with).
- Address Race
- Participants form two equal groups (teams) in a straight line. At one end, a non-playing "judge" will beam a new and unique contact to one member (the "Captain") on each team. When the game starts, each team captain begins the relaying of the contact through each member of the team. As each member receives the contact, s/he turns to the next member and beams it to them. The first team to beam the contact to the finishing "judge" (another non-player) wins!
- Picture Puzzle
Parts of an image are beamed to participants of the game. Each person then displays their piece of the image on their Palm's screen. The group must then arrange the Palm devices on a table in the correct order such that the entire image can be seen.
- Graffiti Race
- Competitors load a copy of the freeware WPM (Words Per Minute) 1.00 application (or get it beamed to them). They use WPM to enter the required sentence and calculate their best WPM score. The person with the highest score and least mistakes wins. Users of alternate imput methods (Fitaly, Silkyboard, etc.) must compete against other users of similar/identical input methods, or switch to graffiti mode and compete that way.
- Other?