Falling on my head like a tragedy…

I heard the song on my Treo while showering this morning and it fits my day well. Not only has the ACTUAL rain returned, and it’s nice and wet outside, but I’m seeing clouds forming and sprinkling on me in my work as well. Read the rest of this entry »

During the winter months, i.e. the wet season, I don’t get as much tagging in as I like. The problem is that it’s such a big risk scheduling a game for fear of rain. LTTO gear does OK in light rain for a little while, but too much rain, and after a while it seeps in and the tagger stops working properly. Sometimes I go too long between games, and it gets to the point that I really don’t care about the weather, so I schedule a game anyway, and just hope for the best. All week long, rain was predicted for the weekdays and the weekend. Read the rest of this entry »

One of the most important things I need to do in preparing for hosting Lazer Tag games at the City of Auburn 4th of July Festival is to create portable barriers so that the players have something to hide behind. Such a thing will be useful for all my games, but will be especially necessary for the games in July. Read the rest of this entry »

This week is spring break for the Auburn School District. As such, the boys have been home. Alex started spring break off with a bang, racking up 103+ temps last Friday with a heck of a virus. He checked out ok, but didn’t get over his fevers until Monday. So the “no school” days came, Alex is better, and they both want to play with their friends… but their friends are sick now. Read the rest of this entry »

Today has been a hard day at work for me. Sure I’m at home, I’m in comfy clothes and can take a break whenever I really need it, but as work days go, this one sucks. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s been a family tradition of sorts for the last several years to spend the day on the 4th at Les Gove Park in Auburn, where the City throws a Festival in celebration. They’ve been having music, craft booths, kid activities, and rides for the kids for years, and the boys quite enjoy it each year, if not only for the ice cream. This might seem a little early to be making plans for the 4th of July but for me, it is necessary. Read the rest of this entry »

I’m going to give this here blogging thing a whirl. I’ve tried a couple times in the past. I had a textamerica moblog that fizzled, and a YouTube vblog that never happened. For the most part, I figure my life is uninteresting to the rest of the world and so blogging is a waste of time. That said, the rest of the world does include my family, and I know at least one of them would like to know what’s up with me every so often. Anytime anything noteworthy comes up, I’ll try to write a little ditty here about it. Forgive me if it also fizzles out, but you already know my track record. l8r